There has been considerable publicity concerning the responsibility of the dental practitioner to ensure infection prevention and control measures are in place. Although it is ultimately the practitioners responsibility, it is the staff who are undertaking these processes and must maintain the required standards and techniques. It is critically important that each member of the dental team understands the "where, how and why" of infection control legislation.
Resulting from a Dental Board directive, DAPA has received numerous calls seeking advice and assurance that their practice procedures are compliant with legislation. DAPA can assist you and provides accurate advice and guidance to implement good procedures in the dental practice which are based on the AS/NZS4187 or AS/NZS4815, the NHMRC Guidelines and the ACSQHC Standards.
Our qualified team are available to visit your practice and conduct a 3 or 4 hour session covering all topics relevant to your practice. As this is in-house training at your premises for all staff, it means that everyone is involved and you do not lose precious time travelling to courses which may not suit your practice operations. We design a course for your specific type of dentistry and the equipment that you use each day in your clinic. Through this customised training, staff and practitioners gain knowledge and an understanding of infection control compliance as it is implemented in your surgery.
We give practical hands-on guidance and reference all our information on the current AS/NZS 4187 and AS/NZS4815 and NHMRC Guidelines as well as the most recent ADA Infection Control Guidelines - third edtion (Oct 2015).
For more information or to book a time please call our office on 02 9569 3220.